Carsten Ziegeler wrote:
I just want to keep on the tradition of writing mails
that explain what cocoon is doing wrong :(

We really should avoid "action fast" when this has a great impact
on all developers and all users of cocoon, like renaming cvs repositories
etc. Reverting things like these is more than a pita.

Reverting things like these are piece of cake, Carstern. In fact, it's just a matter or changing back the access grantes to the module. (the fact that it's now a symlink rather than a real module shouldn't bother you)

So, we really should come back to the usual open source handling
of things: first a proposal, than a vote, than the action.

We are in the middle of a transition. This community voted to be a top-level project and the ASF agreed.

I understand that a transition is always painful, but things are done for good.

now, I agree with you that Pier should have done a proposal first, but knowing him, nothing he did can't be easily reversed. [he's a 'do first apologize later' type of guy... and I like that in a CVS-backedup environment]

And not: making a proposal and during the proposal doing the
action only because one committer that "great".

I can't parse this sentence, can you restate?

All the other
committers had even no chance to say their opinion.

You are saying your opinion. I am listening to your opinion. Nothing that was done can't be reversed.

You have to give other committers at least one day time, because
we don't live all on the same site of the world, but I guess for
such important isuess one week (as it is handled e.g. by the
avalon group) is much better.

If we take a week for each vote, we'll be starting to act as a JSR working group and will take years to do something :)

I like the 'do first, revert if somebody complains' approach for small things.

I like the proposal/lazy-consensus/act things for bigger things.

I agree with you that Pier should have followed the second approach this time.

Sorry Pier that this time it hits you, but I hope you feel better
when you know that you are not the only one doing things in cocoon
this way. Even I do it sometimes...but it really depends on the
impact of the change. If the change can be simply reverted it might
be seen as "ok".

Carsten, Pier did nothing that can't be reversed in 15 minutes, as he clearly stated.

So as a personal consequence, I will stop my work on cocoon until this is sorted out, because I'm feeling really unsure on how to handle any committs and how it will go on.

What can we do to change this perception of yours?

(The good thing about it is that it gives me some time to finish
things in avalon).

This is good.

Stefano Mazzocchi                               <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
   Pluralitas non est ponenda sine necessitate [William of Ockham]

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