I would like to point out that the cocoon team has done a good job of
balancing feature requests with development release time. If what you need
is stable and mature software perhaps you'd like to consider using Cocoon
1.X series and see if it does what you need (which is what I did) while
features are completed and the code matures enough to meet your

Or, more bluntly, use commercial software if it gives you the more stable
and usable system that you're looking for.

Once upon a time, "Steven Punte" was seen writting:

> I too agree with Roys' statements.  Stable software is
> everything.  Otherwise Cocoon will just take it's
> place as some interesting R&D project in the Software
> Halls of History while another project, another firm,
> deliveres a stable usable system to market that
> becomes the standard.
>   Steve Punte

Please check that your question has not already been answered in the
FAQ before posting. <http://xml.apache.org/cocoon/faqs.html>

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