On 04.Dec.2001 -- 02:50 PM, Carlos wrote:
> I have the sitemap listed below and have the following questions:
> * Is it possible to refer to a single document and then refer to something
> more specific? For example; Is it valid to use:

?? something is missing ??

> * Also, in the second element. Is the <map:transform src"..." /> element
> valid?


>    <map:match pattern="welcome">
>     <map:generate src="site/index.xml"/>
>     <map:transform src="stylesheets/page-html.xsl"/>
>     <map:serialize/>
>    </map:match>
>    <map:match pattern="welcome/**">
>     <map:generate src="site/{1}.xml"/>
>     <map:transform src="stylesheets/page-html.xsl"/>
>     <map:serialize/>
>    </map:match>
> * Are the two sitemap expressions below valid? Where would I have to put
> The documents?

When mounting subsitemaps they are given a directory attribute. For
the main sitemap this defaults to the webapps root dir (e.g. when
unpacking cocoon.war this is $CATALINA_BASE/webapps/cocoon)

> * In the two snipets below, what difference does it make if I use ** instead
> of *

"**" matches across path separators as well while "*" only matches
path elements e.g. "**" matches both (match in curly brackets)
"{some/dir/foo}.pdf" and "{bar}.pdf" while "*" would only match
"{bar}.pdf". This _should_ be explained in the javadocs accompanying
the matcher you use or in the userdocs.

If you are using 2.0 or HEAD and have log level at least debug, all
sitemap variables are printed out whenever the environment is modified
by an action or matcher.

>    <map:match pattern="*.pdf">
>     <map:generate src="{1}.xml"/>
>     <map:transform src="xsl/fo/docbook.xsl"/>
>     <map:serialize type="pdf"/>
>    </map:match>
>    <map:match pattern="*.html">
>     <map:generate src="{1}.xml"/>
>     <map:transform src="/xsl/html/docbook.xsl"/>
>     <map:serialize/>
>    </map:match>


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Please check that your question has not already been answered in the
FAQ before posting. <http://xml.apache.org/cocoon/faqs.html>

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