
I just started to contribute some documentation to cocoon and saw some 
difficulties to get it going for a cocoon newbie.
Diana had the nice idea that I could write up a howto for that task. Therefore 
I need to ask the community some questions about the documentation 
contribution process.

If you got the correct xml files done and updated the corresponding book.xml 
you have to open a bug report in bugzilla.

I used the following options which I not quite sure if they are alright:
Product: Cocoon2
Component: General components (shouldn't there be Documentation?)
Platform: All
OS: All
Version: Current CVS
Severity: Enhancement

If a person works over and over again on the same docs, is it ok to reopen an 
existing bug report and just provide a new attachment or do you have to open 
a new bug report (and enter much redundant information again)?

I edited my docs with a standard text editor and viewed the results directly 
through a local running cocoon. In the contribution docs I read that cocoon 
cannot provide you with detailed information about documentation errors. 
Wouldn't it be nice to have such thing in cocoon, to make the author's life 
much easier?

Thanks for your feedback,


Please check that your question has not already been answered in the
FAQ before posting. <http://xml.apache.org/cocoon/faqs.html>

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