
        I am trying to use the directory generator and having some difficulty.  I 
can't get the depth to work (I did check the archives and bug reports with no luck). I 
looked at the code in DirectoryGenerator.java and it looks like it should work but it 
doesn't so I gave up and tried a different tack,  I

   <map:match pattern="dirtest1a/**">
    <map:generate type="directory" src="{1}" depth="10"/>
    <map:serialize type="xml"/>
and then I call this (recursively) from a stylesheet with  document().  All that works 
fine BUT...  I can only get the directories underneath my sub-sitemap.  What I want is 
to pass the directory I want to dirtest1a as a request parameter (e.g.:
http://localhost:8080/coccoon/testdir/dirtest1a?dir=c:/tomcat4.01/...) so I can get 
the listing of ANY directory, and then give this to src="", but I don't know how or 
even if it is possible (or even a good thing to do if it is possible).  I have a 
feeling this is a real basic question but I am
pretty new to cocoon and I couildn't find an answer in the docs and am at a loss on 
how to solve the problem.  (Or maybe someone has a total different solution that is 



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