Sven Kuenzler wrote:
> Nicola Ken Barozzi schrieb:
>>> I would suggest a seperate mailing list for this, perhaps on krysalis 
>>> in addition to the commons mailing list, as there is no way in hell 
>>> I'm subscribing to the commons mailing list ever again because the 
>>> volume is soooooo great that it would triple my current email volume 
>>> and probably bring my ISPs flaky email server down anyhow!
>>> Others probably feel similar.
> Andy, if you can/care to access a news server, check out 
>  They host many Apache MLs as newsgroups.

Hey, didn't know :-)

>> Who managed to make the serializer work out of Cocoon, can you please 
>> send me the zip?
>> I can thus checkin preliminary stuff in CVS.
> It's under It contains all jars involved so 
> I'd rather not send it by email.

Yup, good :-)

> I temporarily "repackaged" the code under morphos.* or so, I hope this 
> is not a problem for a scratchpad project.

Definately not. Thanks, I will commit it soon :-)

Nicola Ken Barozzi                   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
             - verba volant, scripta manent -
    (discussions get forgotten, just code remains)

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