>> I would suggest a seperate mailing list for this, perhaps on krysalis 
>> in addition to the commons mailing list, as there is no way in hell 
>> I'm subscribing to the commons mailing list ever again because the 
>> volume is soooooo great that it would triple my current email volume 
>> and probably bring my ISPs flaky email server down anyhow!
>> Others probably feel similar.
> Andy, the discussion has been going on already on that list, so I 
> would really like to continue there.
> I promise that I will make the mails prepended with [Morphos], so you 
> can filter them. 

Dude, you don't understand.  I'm only getting like 50% of my emails, in 
part due to the amount of traffic I get.  I physically cannot subscribe 
to commons.  If I do that I'd pretty much never get any mail from 
anywhere else. The traffic on Commons is REDICULOUS.  There's no way we 
can split it?  I mean I just can't.

I tried to help my LUG get a SMTP server set up but they're all a bunch 
of Sysadmin types who are trying to set up a "REALLY COOL" SMTP server 
(still trying after 6 months) rather than a functional one in the near 

I intend to set up my own SMTP server on my server, but it won't be in 
the near future.

Regardless, I know a couple other people (of your acquantenance) who 
might help out if the list were seperate.

Hell we created a list for cocoon-doc....

>>  From there we can plan an approach for the generator. 
> This was exactly the proposed plan.


>> It would probably be faster too, my patches get applied too slow to 
>> work on it very efficiently here. (no offense)
> Yup, it's time :-)
> Who managed to make the serializer work out of Cocoon, can you please 
> send me the zip?
> I can thus checkin preliminary stuff in CVS.
> Thanks :-)

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