>>Yeah in short:  Its a Cocoon Serializer.  While I appreciate this
>>feedback, I personally have no use cases for the Serializer outside of
>??? you don't ;-)
>the use case is very simple: create a xls-file out of an gnumeric-file. ;-)
>don't see any cocoon stuff here. i guess that would be like m$ saying
>there is no use case for calculation outside excel.
>but ok. i guess i know what you mean.
I mean currently, I don't personally have any uses for the serializer 
outside of Cocoon.  HA, I'll be writing that Excel calculation engine soon.

>>This makes it impossible for me to support a non-cocoon version
>>of the Serializer.  It would take a motivated individual who knew what
>>to do in order to support such a project.  My continued personal
>>interest is in generating reports via Cocoon and the HSSF Serializer.
>i would like to do that, but since i realy dont have any clue about
>the inner workings of cocoon this seems almost impossible for me at the
Look at the StateTax2 sample.  under Welome->Legacy Formats.

>>Cool!  Would you mind writing up a case study for POI?
>> http://jakarta.apache.org/poi/casestudies.html
>i'll see that i'll have time somewhere within the next
>3-4 weeks (granted that the custumer oks this).
Cool!  Well tell them that I'll send them a T-Shirt (yourself as well) 
once we decide on a logo and I get the shirts printed.

>>I'll look through what Sven did.  My only concern is whether you'll end
>>up with Cocoon anyhow as your project scales up.
>this might be the case indeed. but at the moment and for the foreseeable
>future (3-6 month) this wont happen and so the discussion is a moot one.

>>Well one thing I don't recommend is generating the gnumeric format
>>directly once you know what you're
>>doing.  Meaning come up with an interim format.
>this isn't possible either cause the invoice-format is still very
>young and there are a lot of changes going on for the next several
>months. it is impractical to let those changes be made by programmers.
>the people from the billing-dept. should do them but i simply cannot
>force them to "programm" a bill in some xml-format. the maximum
>i can give them is linux-box with gnumeric installed on it (and even
>this is not so simple since this is a windowsshop).
Wha?  Its not stored in the database?  You see with XSP/ESQL, you could 
query it from the database, output XML, transform it via your 
stylesheets and serialize it via HSSF Serializer.  

How are you currently getting them out in XML?

>on the otherhand transforming a given gnumeric-file into an stylesheet
>is realy no fun and very brittle to do.
Look at the HSSF Serializer doc that explains what it actually cares about.

>>makes it into a Gnumeric workbook.
>>>but what i want to do later to is to create a pdf-file instead of an
>>>file. i'll be using xsl-fo for that and i see some hard times coming to
>>>first create an xsl-fo file out of gnumeric.
>>I don't think it has to be if you do as above.
>as said before the only practical solution is to get an allready formated
>gnumeric-file from the billing-dept.

>>You prefer this to the Excel xml format?
>havent had a look on xls-xml.
>ciao robertj
>Robert Kuzelj
>Gaissacherstrasse 7           email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
>81371 Muenchen                tel:   0177/5302230
>the trinity of desirables of (software) architecture:
>Firmitas, Utilitas, Venustas (marcus vitruvius 20 BC)
>strength, utility, beauty
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