> a) Did you ever try to migrate to JBoss 3x?

JBoss 3 was still alpha when we started this release cycle.  Jan./Feb. will
be our first chance to consider using it.

> b) Do you have to write the proxies for every EJB
> manually or is there automatized solution?

We manually write the code. 90% of the time it's just thin layer wrappers,
but every once in a while there is some other encapsulation.  In particular,
polymorphic methods that all populate the same data class for retrieval but
in different ways.  There are some philosophical differences on how pure a
proxy should be. Personally, I don't have a problem with a proxy
interpreting my intentions with a slightly different implementation then I
may be aware of.  For me, that's one of the benefits of using a proxy.

> b) Are you able to use load balancing and other
> administration of JBoss fully with no negatives on
> running system?

Pretty much so.  However, currently all production deployments are still on
Websphere with scheduled down time.  This will change once the current
release makes it to production, but so far there are no plans to build a hot
fail over environment.

> d) Do the efforts with J2EE pay off really better
> performance and manageability against simple Tomcat
> approach according your experience?

Architectures are based on business needs.  (If you'd like to pay me to
analyze your business requirements and determine the appropriate
architecture for your needs I might be open to offers...)  For our case the
business requirements don't necessarily dictate a J2EE architecture and the
learning curve was sufficiently long that knowing what we know now we might
not have done it.  However, having climbed the learning curve there is
definitely no reason to go back.

> e) Do you use JBoss in any custom or standarized means
> also for authentification and authorisation for Cocoon
> resources or would it be too complicated to implement?

We're doing custom authentication.  We've looked at realm based
authentication but we have a complex security model in a complex application
and so far there hasn't been a good fit.

> f) Would you be so nice to post some (almost out of
> the box) working demo illustrating your application
> workflow?

Sorry, I can't do that.  The application is a) proprietary, and b) still
under development.  There are over 500 Java classes, over 10 generic XSLT
and a highly abstracted, highly normalized schema covering some 50 tables.
The architecture document is over 200 pages and would barely get down to the
level of detail that you want...  There is no preset workflow within the
application (it's a generic application for capturing the results of
Clinical Trials), 

Please check that your question  has not already been answered in the
FAQ before posting.     <http://xml.apache.org/cocoon/faq/index.html>

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