--- "Emmanuil Batsis (Manos)"
<[EMAIL PROTECTED]> schrieb:
> Wow, this thread got a lot of attention.
I'm more than happy about it. With my ongoing
experience with open source mailing lists, I've
awaited little or no response. Perhaps it was just
good subject line :)

> Unfortunatelly I am home and I 
> won't go over those messages via a web based
> interface (that's the only 
> way to view them from home). I chast subscribed with
> this addy instead. 
> I will keep our context in my reply and do an
> overall comment sometime 
> tommorow.
I'm using webmail (open to all my colleagues) too,
rather than flooding up my business email account
because of high traffic here or on other open source
maillists I've subscribed to. Till I establish my own
mail server (dynamic IP) to be accessible from
everywhere, I hope the capacity of my webmail will
stand for the amount of posts till that time. Feel
free to ask me how to establish home-based dynamic
email server privately.
> >  > 1.4 is better IMHO.
> > Well, it should be, but I've seen several people
> here
> > reporting problems already with Cocoon alone, not
> to
> > mention other components.
> That's because you had to build Cocoon using JDK1.4
> to for some things 
> to work, namelly database access.
OK, I did not get to it today, I don't expect binary
to be available now for 1.4 but I see no problem with
building the sources (I've made it several times in
order to implement the patches that unfortunatelly did
not help me with JBoss 3.0.1). Is there any
customization to source needed to be successfully
built in 1.4? If it is the case, point me to any
valuable places discussing it, rather then writing it
down again...

> > What version of Cocoon
> > to take?
> cocoon-2.0.3-vm14-bin.zip (win32)
> cocoon-2.0.3-vm14-bin.tar.gz (linux)
OK, ignore my previous statement, I will try the
binary directly. (I've put one minute to writing it
and now I'm too tired to delete it :)

> Usually MySQL, but that's mostly because of habit
> and web administration 
> via PHPMyAdmin.
I would like to use MySQL/phpMyAdmin too, it rocks,
but I need the transactions, constraint-driven
triggers, easy log-based failure recovery and stored
procedures to deal with complicated low-level business

> >  > More people are familiar with Tomcat.
> > Me too! Just that ... JBoss doesn't like it that
> much.
> > Again, fault of using JBoss at all?
> Actually, there's a bundle of JBoss with a version
> of  Tomcat at 
> JBoss.org. No clue about setting those two up
> together but I know people 
> in this list have done so; perhaps someone should do
> a good thing and 
> supply with the documentation for this (item 1 ;-)
Believe me, I've tried everything possible including
manipulation of sources to get JBoss301Tomcat404
accepting Cocoon - no luck. Using default Jetty, it
works out ot the box, that's why I've originally
proposed Jetty rather than Tomcat. Moreover, is seems
that Jetty is getting more community involvement right
now compared to Tomcat as little conservative
reference implementation of established standars.

> > You are probably ironic here regarding the
> complexity
> > of SVG. 
> On the contrary, I love SVG.
SVG rocks, but I was disturbed by complexity of
generating reusable dynamic graphic through XSL, for
example if I wanted to read a collection of
navigational buttons with several properties from
database and then serialize them as dynamic data to
SVG (later to binary images). This tasks are higly
manual and including deep knowleadge of SVG alone. My
designers are avoiding to learn SVG other that on
WYSIWYG basis, thus there's more work for me to
provide easily adjustable SVG to them.

> JascWebdraw is good, but if you have a markup/web
> authoring background 
> you are better with a good text editor. I don't know
> about open source 
> projects on the SVG editor area.
Again, I have the knowledge how to write SVG, but
designers hate it. Maybe I should be hard on them to
go out from proprietary tools and use standards
instead. Or I need another person writing SVG for

> >  > > Project Management: PHPMyProject
> >  > No files released. Try phpcollab.
> > True. Thank you for suggestion.
> Pretty cool. Even has Gant charts. Instalation was a
> little hard on windows.
Pleas explain what Gant is. I have to get it working
on Linux, I hope the same problems as by MS do not

> > You mean some group of crazy people should be put
> > together and make the ultimate environment true? 
> Hey, it's a geek fashion ;-)
> Seriously now, it's a big task and will require
> people to through in 
> some brains, experience and hours of work. Worst of
> all, it will require 
> us to be serious and eager to do the job.
I'm ready to establish website for this task if
needed, e.g. enough people are willing to invest their
time for it.

Thank you for your time you've spent on this issuee,


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