Argyn Kuketayev wrote:

> > From: Emmanuil Batsis (Manos) [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> > Indeed, my little know-how says it would be stupid to use a
> > database for
> > information that updates rarelly, such as user authentication data.
> why? if it updates really rarely, you may cach it in your appserver or 
> anywhere else in the memory.
> frequency of updates itself is not a reason to go into dark forests of 
> ldap from the shiny fields of RDBMS

Point taken but one can argue that somethings are easier to implement in 
LDAP than in a database application. I agree about alternative, 
application specific stores.
However, there is no reason to discuss this further while being generic 
and with no use case in mind; it may be too early to talk about such a 
use case anyway.


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