
I'm new to Cocoon, trying to work my way through the documentation. So far,
I've been able to get most things to work satisfactorily enough, however
I've run into a roadblock while trying to implement XSPs. So far, I've
written a quick and dirty example, of which all I want to do is import a
custom class and call a function from that class. From what I understand in
the documentation, to import a custom class all I need to do after the
appropriate .jar file containing the class into the cocoon/web-inf/lib
directory is to include the following tag in my XSP, (or XSL? Can someone
clarify this please? The documentation is sketchy and I have seen examples
using either method. Are both kosher?):


However, when the file is serialized, Cocoon merely spits out the text
between the <xsp:include> tags, as if it hasn't even recognized that as a
parameter. If I try to call a function from that class in a <xsp:logic> tag,
cocoon dies with an error explaining that it can't find the class.

I'm understandably confused at this point, as all the examples I've looked
at seem to show that including the class is as trivial as using the above
mentioned structure tag. For redundancy (or lack of a better idea), the
class has also been added as an additional classs in the web.xml file inside
the web-inf directory. The logic in my XSP is working, as I'm able to call
java.util classes without a problem.

Thanks in advance for any insight,

Brian Schwark

Please check that your question  has not already been answered in the
FAQ before posting.     <http://xml.apache.org/cocoon/faq/index.html>

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