On 16.Aug.2002 -- 11:27 AM, Brian Schwark wrote:
> directory is to include the following tag in my XSP, (or XSL? Can someone
> clarify this please? The documentation is sketchy and I have seen examples
> using either method. Are both kosher?):

In a logicsheet, yes, in a stylesheet there's no point in doing it.
xsp --logicsheet*--> xsp --xsp-logicsheet--> java --pizza--> class

class generates SAX --stylesheet*--> serializer --> stream

See docs (introduction!) for more on this.

> <xsp:structure>
>       <xsp:include>org.my.custom.Class</xsp:include>
> </xsp:structure>

Needs to be right under the <xsp:page> element -- no intermediate
elements allowed.


<?xml version="1.0"?>

<xsp:page language="java"

    <title>Some Page</title>



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