Hi Brian,

I write this for everybody.  I've sent this to my brother who works with
you.  He said he was out at meetings this morning so I thought you might
want this now.

Place all jars that torque is dependent on in your
tomcat/webapps/YOURWEBAPP/WEB-INF/lib folder.  Restart tomcat; it won't take
affect until you do.  Should work but if it doesn't it is not a Cocoon issue
but happens often for people trying to apply Cocoon.  Look in the
tomcat/logs and you should see a file similar to
"localhost_log.2002-08-19.txt". You need to shut tomcat down to be able to
read this log.  Start at the bottom and scroll up till you see a root cause

----- Root Cause -----
 at org.aci.om.BaseEmployeePeer.<clinit>(BaseEmployeePeer.java:80)
 at org.aci.om.BaseEmployee.<clinit>(BaseEmployee.java:25)
 at org.apache.cocoon.www.content.home_xml.generate(C:\Program

Cocoon is a servlet, period.  We all are running a server such as Tomcat
with the Cocoon servlet.  Cocoon allows us to write documents with xml mixed
with logic implemented with Java (can be nasty, can be cool, it's up to us)
and let the power of Cocoon do the servlet part and serv up our dynamic
pages.  The server environment and dependency issues are prevalant problems
people encounter when trying to apply Cocoon and because they are working
with Cocoon think the problem lies in Cocoon. It lies in how the JVM that is
running the whole thing finds all the pieces/parts of everything we are
giving it to do. Check out the documentation at

 More on xsp import after you get up and running.  The import inclusion is a
convenience thing.  Use the full package name temporarily.


Please check that your question  has not already been answered in the
FAQ before posting.     <http://xml.apache.org/cocoon/faq/index.html>

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