> I'm beginning to design a small system for my company and I
> need some forms to input/output data.

How small?  Given that you are posting on Cocoon-users I assume you are
considering using Cocoon though you don't specifically mention it.  The
general consensus seems to be that Cocoon isn't really suited for small
sites/systems.  However, if you have a lot of dynamic rendering, or multiple
browser issues (egg. graceful degradation of multimedia), or multiple output
format requirements it still might make sense.

> I wanto to use open software for the project. I read about 
> frameworks like struts, xmlforms and perhaps others.
> However, I don't know how to decide the technology to use.

Since XMLForms and Struts aren't directly comparable (they work at very
different levels and do very different things) we really need to know more
about your requirements:  How many users?  How many pages? How many forms?
If you can't give us high level requirements how about low level
requirements: Do you need database support?  Do you need EJB support?  Do
you need XML support? Do you need Web services support? Do you need LDAP

Recommending a particular web technology implementation without having
specific requirements is sort of like recommending a vehicle without knowing
whether the person really has requirements for a car, truck, train, airplane
or boat...  

Please check that your question  has not already been answered in the
FAQ before posting.     <http://xml.apache.org/cocoon/faq/index.html>

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