From: "Hunsberger, Peter" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

> Since XMLForms and Struts aren't directly comparable (they work at very
> different levels and do very different things) we really need to know more
> about your requirements:  How many users?  How many pages? How many forms?
> If you can't give us high level requirements how about low level
> requirements: Do you need database support?  Do you need EJB support?  Do
> you need XML support? Do you need Web services support? Do you need LDAP
> support?
> Recommending a particular web technology implementation without having
> specific requirements is sort of like recommending a vehicle without
> whether the person really has requirements for a car, truck, train,
> or boat...

I'm sorry. It's a kind of help desk in our intranet where the users can:
1) Request technical assistance (input)
2) Query the status of their previous requests
3) Query a DB where any user can look at common problems/solutions

We have 500 total users. I think there could be 10/20 users (max) using
the app simultaneously. We are not planning to use EJB, WS or LDAP.
We have been considering to use a relational DB (Oracle).


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