if you did not touch server.xml forget about this for a moment.
look again at following snippet from your last answer:

Yes that address was a typing mistake.

When I load it shows the
if you did NOT TOUCH server.xml and you did deploy cocoon under the
directory webapps/cocoon, then you should connect to your
cocoon as follows:

assuming your xslt is named soundpool.xsl and lies
besides soundpool.xml and both files live in a folder
named "soundpool" which in turn lives in the
cocoon webapplication

+ cocoon (webapp folder)
+- soundpool (folder)
   +- soundpool.xml (file)
   +- soundpool.xsl (file)

Then your pipeline looks like this:

    <map:match pattern="soundpool/soundpool.xml">
      <map:transform src="soundpool/soundpool.xsl"/>
      <map:serialize type="xml"/>

Or have you created a subfolder named "soundpool" in your
cocoon webapp, or is your cocoon webapp named "soundpool"

+- soundpool (webapp folder)
   +- soundpool.xml (file)
   +- soundpool.xsl (file)

in this case your sitemap would look like this:

    <map:match pattern="soundpool.xml">
      <map:transform src="soundpool.xsl"/>
      <map:serialize type="xml"/>

and your request would look like this:


-----Original Message-----
From: SAXESS - Hussayn Dabbous [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] Sent: 28 January 2003 15:57
Subject: Re: I cant get cocoon to process??


I would do this: take your webserver out of the way for
a moment. you want to test cocoon, not the webserver/tomcat
connection, right ?

1.) setup tomcat so that you can direct access it from
your browser. Look for these lines in tomcat/conf/server.xml:

<!-- Define a non-SSL Coyote HTTP/1.1 Connector on port 8080 -->
<Connector className="org.apache.coyote.tomcat4.CoyoteConnector"
port="8080" minProcessors="5" maxProcessors="75"
enableLookups="true" redirectPort="8443"
acceptCount="100" debug="0" connectionTimeout="20000"
useURIValidationHack="false" disableUploadTimeout="true"


this should be already setup. test it: http://yourserver:8080
tomcat should show up.

if it does not, double check that your tomcat has a HTTP connection
and on whoich port it is serving.

2.) now test your cocoon:


i suppose your cocoon startpage comes up. you already reported
this. but double check it...

3.) now dive into your sitemap:

or whatever...

by the way, have you deployed cocoon under the name "soundpool"?
or is the link i found further down missspelled ???
Maybe you did something wrong within your tomcat <Context> definition
also in tomcat/conf/server.xml ?

regards, hussayn

Richard Cunliffe wrote:


It sounds to me, like cocoon is not being forwarded the requested page
and perhaps that’s why there is no processing going on. I installed
cocoon by copying in cocoon.war, and set-up apache and tomcat, by

jserv. Is there anything else I should do here?


-----Original Message-----
From: SAXESS - Hussayn Dabbous [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] Sent: 28 January 2003 15:33
Subject: Re: I cant get cocoon to process??

I learned to get very simple minded when it comes
to cocoon debugging ;-) so i would ask:

1.) are you shure, cocoon is receiving the request at all ????
you can verify by looking at WEB-INF/logs/access.log
2.) do any stack traces pop up in the cocoon log files ?
besides access.log there are three others ...
3.) Are you using IE as browser? then try to delete the
browser cache. sometimes this has driven me crasy.
4.) have you checked your servlet mounts from the webserver
to tomcat are correct ?

no other ideas. if cocoon is processing your request at all,
the cocoon logs should reveal what happens...

regards, hussayn

Richard Cunliffe wrote:


I have just had a look, and its only been matched once. Any other



-----Original Message-----
From: SAXESS - Hussayn Dabbous [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] Sent: 28 January 2003 15:00
Subject: Re: I cant get cocoon to process??

once i looked hours and hours for a problem similar to
what you report. finally i detected, that i introduced two
match patterns, that would match on the same url within my

Since i was looking at the secnd definition
wondering, why nothing helped i completely ignored
the true causeing match further up in the sitemap.

maybe this is what your problem causes: simply another
more generic matcher, that sucks the file before your
matcher comes into play ?

just to mention it: first match wins...

regards, hussayn

Richard Cunliffe wrote:


Ok I changed the match pattern, but it made no difference (its still
loading the xml source as text in the browser).

I managed to get text in the logs, and I can not see anything in


to say that I have just tried to access the address

I have attached the log with this e-mail. I obviously don't know what

supposed be in there, but there are a lot of unknowns (I don't know


this is healthy?).

Thank you so much for taking the time to help!


-----Original Message-----
From: Derek Hohls [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] Sent: 28 January 2003 09:55
Subject: RE: I cant get cocoon to process??


Well, I think Tomcat/Cocoon are working OK, otherwise
the basic Hello World would not not be working.

You say you cannot see anything in the log files that
makes sense - well, this is an area that its very useful
(and I speak from bitter experience) and worth the time
getting up to speed in! If unsure, then: stop Tomcat,
delete the log files, restart - they *should* be clear. If
not, note what is there and carry on. Try your URL and
then immediately look in the files again - any new messages
should be related to what you have just tried. If these
do not make sense, then post them here.

Anyway - to your problem below. I think the issue
is that your typed URL: ...soundpool/soundpool.xml
does not match the pattern in the pipeline - which is
expecting only: soundpool

So, either change your typed URL to:
or change the match to:
<map:match pattern="soundpool/soundpool.xml">

or some other combination that links one to the other... you could have:
<map:match pattern="soundpool/soundpool">

for example - this is quite neat because it clearly shows that the URI that Cocoon processes can
be quite different from where the physical files are
located; a key concept in good pipeline design.


[EMAIL PROTECTED] 28/01/2003 11:22:21 >>>

Derek, Thank you for the big welcome! I have had a quick look at the
logs, but to be honest I'm not sure how to interrupt them. When I did
the install examples I got cocoon to do the Hello world example. So

that's working. Here is the pipeline I have created for a soundpool
example (this will just show the word soundpool) <map:pipeline> <map:match pattern="soundpool"> <map:generate src="soundpool.xml"/> <map:transform
src="soundpool.xsl"/> <map:serialize/> </map:match></map:pipeline> So when I type the my local address this is what is
displayed: <?xml version="1.0" ?> - <document>

        <text>soundpool</text>         </document> It looks like
tomcat is not forwarding the request to cocoon to me, what do you

Richard. -----Original Message-----
From: Derek Hohls [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] Sent: 28 January 2003 09:03
To: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Subject: Re: I cant get cocoon to process?? Richard

Welcome to the wonderful world of Cocoon application
debugging !

First off, I assume that the Cocoon samples are up-and-
running, so that you have tested that the Cocoon servlet as such is working OK.

Next thing is to check the log files; you will find them
located under the [cocoon] directory (which I guess you
have installed somewhere under tomcat) in a subdir
called WEB-INF/logs.

Finally - and this is the hard part! - you will need to try and understand what is causing the "missing link" - it *seems* like it might be the entry in your site map -
perhaps you can post that part of the site map that
should be doing the xml/xsl matching so we can try
and figure where there might be an error.


[EMAIL PROTECTED] 28/01/2003 10:40:03 >>>

Apache - v1.3Cocoon - v2.0Tomcat - v3.3aJserv -

1.1.1 Operating system -        Windows XP  I can not get cocoon to
work. The problem I have is that when I try and load an xml page, it
will not use the style sheet and show the desired page. Instead the
browser only shows the xml document (source code). I have linked

and tomcat, and tomcat with apache using Jserv. What suggestions do

have? Richard.


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Dr. Hussayn Dabbous
SAXESS Software Design GmbH
Neuenhöfer Allee 125
50935 Köln
Telefon: +49-221-56011-0
Fax:     +49-221-56011-20

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