On Friday 31 January 2003 23:44, Matthew Langham wrote:
> Anyone know any VCs with money left? :-).

AN interesting aspect of Capitalism is that money never disappears. Anyone who 
claims this doesn't know how to look at the big picture.

So, where are all the money that  went around in the dotCom boom?

Wrong question. The money is back where it used to be. The investors has 
"un-got it" that the web based companies ARE INDEED bound by the same 
economic principles like all other companies. Then the dotComs don't look 
like such a bright investment after all, and investments are back into the 
whole gamut of companies.

So, to answer your question, YES there are plenty of capital available, 
probably in the trillions world-wide, but not handed out frivously to anyone 
with a $35 domain name and a catchy slogan. Prepare business plan, rally a 
competent management, draft the financials with credible cash flow and P/L 
forecasts, and you will probably find a VC if you can show a 30-50% chance of 
a 3-10 times Return-On-Investment in 3-5 years.
Easy? Not at all, and that is why many colleagues have difficulty to find 
employment compared to 3 years ago.


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