Emmanuil Batsis (Manos) wrote:

I'm not convinced either. HTML is a legacy format. Most of us only use it instead of XHTML when we need to brake it anyway (via custom elements etc).

(1) HTML is definitly no legacy format in my opinion

(2) even IF HTML would be a legacy format, the serializer would not work correctly:

I mean would you accept the argument of a car mechanician telling you: "the brakes in your car do just work sometimes, but dont worry, your car is 4 years old, hence a legacy car, so we do not think it is worth doing good engineering for brakes needed in this series of cars; simply buy a new car"

not really convincing, is it?

I mean, IMHO you have two decisions (under the assumption that HTML would be a legacy format) I would agree with:

(a) do not support HTML any longer, do not put HTML serializer into the package, do not put it anywhere to download

(b) put HTML serializer into the package, but then a serious engineering should be done. Everyone may decide to do something, to support legacy formats or not, but if you do, do it correctly.

Again: if there is no one having time or capabilities to fix it, it is clear to accept this in an open source environment, but "legacy format" is *definitly* no argument.


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