On Monday 02 June 2003 13:24, Alexander Schatten wrote:
AS> Is this the solution, posted on the Wiki? If not, please could you
AS> provide the solution, though, as mentioned already several times, this
AS> is only a workaround, no solution in my opinion.
First, it's in the Wiki since some seconds as solution 4. 

AS> The HTMLSerializre definitly should do this.
Yesno. I have the same problem with wml and the xinclude namespace. I think 
first the xml serializer should validate the output against the provided 
doctype. And when it sees any unused namespace declarations which are not 
allowed, they should be removed. It's a clean and commonly useable solution. 
It also can be put into an option, if someone doesn't like it. Problem is, 
that I have no time to learn xalan internals. That's why there is this 

AS> Unfortunately I currently have no time to go into the Cocoon sources to
AS> write a patch for the serializer by myself.
I think it's wrong there, as it is not only needed or very useful in cocoon. 
It belongs into the serializer.

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