> Does using CNOTICE and CPRIVMSG really bypass the flood limit checking?
> I had a game-bot flooded off repeatedly by flooders who got together to
> ask the bot for playing instructions, which the bot gave out using

CNOTICE and CPRIVMSG bypass the anti-spam checking, not the flood limit
check.  The flood limit is applied long before the commands in the receive
queue are even parsed, much less interpreted; if your receive queue grows
above CLIENT_FLOOD, you're disconnected for "Excess Flood."

> It is now possible to bypass the target flood limit checks by using these

Should probably be "target limit checks" for increased clarity; the check
bypassed is the target change check, and it's intended to stop spammers
from just mass-/msg'ing everyone on the net.
Kevin L. Mitchell <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

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