> How should a client be programmed such that the receive queue never grows
> above CLIENT_FLOOD? Should it control the amount of text per given time?
> The client has no knowledge of how large the receive queue is on the
> server.

Actually, one of the simpler ways is to pace the amount of information
you send.  You might have noticed that after the first 5 lines or so
from your bot, the next several lines come at 2 second intervals.  This
is why the receive queue fills up.  If you pace your own traffic the
same way, you won't build up a receive queue at all (barring lag to the
server).  Another way is to try to build in heuristics that determine
when someone is trying to output-flood your bot and use those to choke
messages to that individual, but that's a bit more difficult.
Kevin L. Mitchell <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

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