At 01:46 PM 6/26/01 -0400, you wrote:

>This is so, no matter *what*, nobody can tell what server someone is on.
>If it wasn't done, someone could theoretically (and probably will) load
>bots onto every server, set them to all /whois a user, and then
>whichever one gets the idle time back, they know they are on the same
>server the bot is on.

Yeah, but ... how exactly is it going to benefit a DoS script kiddie if
they know that someone is on the same server as them? If they knock that
server offline, then THEY are knocked off Undernet as well, and it's
rather hard to take over a channel if you're not yourself on the network
... (isn't taking over channels the whole reason they DO this? ...)

-- Amarande

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