The point was that you can load bots to determine if someone is on the
same server.  If the kiddie is on the same server as the target, the
kiddie can simply change servers, then DoS the other.  When they can use
any method to determine what server someone is on, it negates the effects
of removing server from whois altogether.

On Tue, 26 Jun 2001, Amarande wrote:

> At 01:46 PM 6/26/01 -0400, you wrote:
> Yeah, but ... how exactly is it going to benefit a DoS script kiddie if
> they know that someone is on the same server as them? If they knock that
> server offline, then THEY are knocked off Undernet as well, and it's
> rather hard to take over a channel if you're not yourself on the network
> ... (isn't taking over channels the whole reason they DO this? ...)
> -- Amarande

  Stacy Brown <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Writing rule #3: A writer must not shift your point of view.

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