This is correct.  Sorry that we neglected to mention it earlier, but
AOL-Time Warner has strict NDAs you know.

*rolls eyes*

On Fri, 29 Jun 2001, Matthew S . Hallacy wrote:

> Hello everyone,
>       I'd like to announce that Undernet.Org will be changing its domain name
> to AOL.COM, all mailing lists, or websites should be replaced with 
> or *, thank you and sorry for any hassles.
> PS: Make sure you download the newest AOL 6.0 IRC client to make sure that you're 
> able to get onto IRC, as we've removed all the commands every other IRC network 
> thus making any other client than ours imcompatible.
> PPS: The banner ad's upon signon to IRC are so that we can pay for something we use 
>as a
> way to feed our ego, please click on them.
>                               -Matthew S. Hallacy
>                               AOL-UnderNet Relations

  Stacy Brown <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
"Talking to yourself is a sign of genius.  Answering yourself is a sign of
insanity." --Einstein

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