At 05:27 11/12/2001, you wrote:
>the ban *!~*@* basically is a ban that already bans these 3 below.
>+bbb *!~test@test *!~2test2@2test *!~3test3@3test
>so there is no bug, its just logic.

Yeah, but the bug is the -b gets sent before the +b, thus clients with
internal ban tracking get muddled as they think there are four bans, when
theres only one..

if you send: mode #eheh +bbbb *!~test@test *!~2test2@2test *!~3test3@3test

the server should reply with the +bbbb, *then* remove the first three bans,
not the other way round as the logs show.. that or the server should just
reply with:
:nick!user@host MODE #channel +b *!~*@*

and ignore the other three completely..

-         Lee H   //  [EMAIL PROTECTED] //   fl_ @ ircnet
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