I tested the original mode commands, and got the same results....

Tried it a slightly different way (on a different network running u2.10.10pl15:
-> /mode #blah +bbb *!~test@test *!~2test2@2test *!~3test3@3test
[16:39:08] *** StoneC0ld sets mode: +bbb *!~test@test *!~2test2@2test
-> /mode #blah +b *!~*@*
[16:39:12] *** StoneC0ld sets mode: -bbb *!~3test3@3test *!~2test2@2test
[16:39:12] *** StoneC0ld sets mode: +b *!~*@*

When including the *~*!* with the other bans, you get those weird results,
but it does what it's supposed to..... When you issue the *!~*!* ban
seperately, it appears to do, and does, what it's supposed to...

And to answer someone's question, it does propogate to linked servers
exactly as it appears on your own.....

So, as far as the ircu goes: if there's a bug here, it's only
cosmetic.....  It appears to be functionally correct: the *!~*@* ban
overrides the other bans that match it. :-)

However, when I checked '.bans all' in the eggdrop in the channel, it
believed all 4 bans were active in the channel, not just the *!~*!* ban........

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