>> > Another thing is: why do you actually use
>> > <currentident>@<AC-id>.users.undernet.org and not
> <AC-id>@users.undernet.org
>> > ? For opers it might become <AC-id>@opers.undernet.org.
>> Either way is acceptable, it's just the way that it was coded when it was
>> submitted.

> Undernet Channel Serivce = *@<username>.cservice.undernet.org
> Undernet User Committee = *@<username>.user-com.undernet.org
> Etc...

> I think this will be cool too..it's just another idea about that.

But then you have to have some kind of system to register user-com
members apart from cservice members... and then you also have to
consider the issue that some people work in both areas.  User-com
doesn't have any username registration systems... so that'd maybe have
to be made just to fit this idea.  I think the current idea of
*@<username>.users.undernet.org is fine.


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