Is the default setting 1 connection per user@host? If so, that may be the 
problem. If that's the case, how about setting the default to 2 and give 
the admins the choice to change the default?

At 04:02 AM 4/20/2002 +0200, you wrote:
I think that is a decision that is up to the admins,
not something coder-com should "hard code into the servers"...

On Fri, Apr 19, 2002 at 08:34:39PM -0400, Py Fivestones wrote:
 > Hi,
 > For some reason, many Undernet servers allow only one (1) connection from
 > the same host. The result is often that you are locked out of IRC after you
 > get dumped until your ghost leaves. You then reconnect (often automatically
 > via client setting) then trip the throttle feature.
 > Can we hard code the next IRCd version to have a minimum of 2 connections
 > from the same host be the smallest maxconnect value? I don't think anyone
 > can argue that allowing 2 connections from the same host will harm the
 > network. Allowing servers to set 1 as the maximum connection from the same
 > host is overkill and just causes frustration for users who get dumped for
 > reasons beyond their control.
 > stoney`
 > Py Fivestones


Py Fivestones

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