Very true, but coder-com can always advise server admins on optimum 
settings and such. If this committee presented a good reason for not 
setting the limit to 1, and gave it's expert advise as to why the max 
connects should never be set lower then 2, it is possible that some or many 
admins would follow coder-com's suggestions.

How much resource is wasted by throttling, by people trying to connect to 
several servers when dumped in the hope of getting on a server that allows 
2 connections? How many channels need re-oping because it took someone 5 or 
10 minutes to get back on after they get dumped? What advantage is gleamed 
by having 1 allowed connection versus 2 connections? How much "enhanced" 
user experience can be obtained by making the change? Does the user 
enhancement outweigh and advantage of 1 connection versus 2 ?

There are people on coder-com that can answer these questions, perhaps 
better than some server admins. It would be great for these people to speak 
up, and help the admins by sharing their expertise.

At 01:50 PM 4/20/2002 +0100, you wrote:
>On Fri, 19 Apr 2002, Py Fivestones wrote:
> > network. Allowing servers to set 1 as the maximum connection from the same
> > host is overkill and just causes frustration for users who get dumped for
> > reasons beyond their control.
>         The number of connections per IP is an Admin decision which the
>coders have no say in.  If the Admins initiated a change then it would be
>different, but I think it's unlikely to happen since most of them like
>being able to restrict to 1 connection per host.  As with most things
>Admins do it's like it or lump it (or try and convince them to give you a
>little more slack).
> > stoney`
>Chris "_Shad0w_" Crowther

Py Fivestones

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