Please ALWAYS cc your replies to [EMAIL PROTECTED]  This gives others
a chance to learn and to help out--and I'm not always the most efficient at

> I hadn't realized that I was trying to install as root. I have moved it to a 
> user directory. I am still having some trouble though. I am running the confi
> gure script and i receive an error notice that stamp-h cannot be created. Wha
> t could be causing this, and does it have bearing on the subsequent installat
> ion steps?

If the directory is still owned by root, or if stamp-h is owned by root,
you may not have write access.  I'd suggest blowing the directory away and
starting off with a fresh un-tar or cvs checkout (whichever method you
originally used).  Make sure you perform that operation as the user you will
be compiling as, rather than as root.
Kevin L. Mitchell <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

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