> Would it be possible to have the person making the submission self-approve 
> the posting to the list (rather than the moderator)?

This is an intriguing idea, but there are 2 problems with it that I can

1) Making majordumbo support this would probably be non-trivial.
2) Spammers would eventually learn of this technique and find a way
   around it.

For me, #1 is by far the largest objection, and it really is a SMOP.  I
would be intrigued to see how spammers would get around it--the only
way I can think of that they could would require them to have credible,
long-term email addresses as the return addresses in their messages,
which would, of course, make them much easier to track down.

Of course, there are other loopholes in majordumbo that spammers could
use to get around any restriction we could possibly place, but as far
as I know, they aren't aware of them.  (And of course, I have no
intention of giving the technique away at the moment.)
Kevin L. Mitchell <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

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