> The problem still remains, someone (briteeyes) will still have to check
> "spam" and manually pass on the emails erroneously tagged as spam back to
> coder-com@. Maybe I'm wrong, but it seems that at least 75% of spam is of
> the repeating kind, the same scams that circulate in waves like the
> former whatever willing to give you millions etc. Simple filters can stop
> these, and most email clients allow setting up simple filters. List
> maintainers are already burdened with all the bounced emails then get, and
> asking them then install and daily check a Spam Assassin type program for
> false positives is asking too much.

this will be my one and only post on this matter.

i have just recently installed spamassassin locally, mostly as a learning
process as we have it installed at work and i didn't know zip about it.

yes, there is a lot of spam coming through undernet mailing lists.  feel
lucky that you're not on the wastelanders@ mailing list.  the S:N ratio is
incredible.  50 spams to 1 actual email.  this is because it's a very low
traffic list these days.

i'm more than happy to eliminate the spam at my end.  it gives me a chance
to learn something.

'nuff said.

Gavin Grieve
HeKTik @ UnderNet

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