
This is a feature request.

As an Opper for #poetry on Undernet, I have been experiencing issues
with users abusing the +x hostmasking service.  (which is a great
service IMHO and nobody except IRCOppers and X/W should be allowed to
see through it)

My request is that X and W be allowed to see through this mask, always.

I thought about this request for a bit and came up with the following
implementation that would prevent users from abusing it to see through

If user is not mode +x(cloaked) hostmask and ban is set, ban is handled
If user is cloaked and ban is set, cloaked ban is echo'd to channel, but
X stores and does real ban on original hostmask.  Yes, this is an
internals mess, but seems appropriate.
X sees all joins as true hostmask not cloaked hostmask.
If banned true hostmask joins, X bans that hostmask.


It may be that this is not an X request so much as a server request
(direct me to the right mailing list if this is the wrong one) that has
bans see through hostmasks, always -- but if set on a cloaked hostmask
it only bans the cloaking --- X/W would be required for banning true


How are people abusing the cloaking feature?  I have users who are
changing there nick!user@ portion of their hostmask in order to pretend
to be other users or defeat bans set on a cloaked hostmask.

That's all.  Thank you very much for your time.

Jay Gairson

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