Jay Gairson wrote:

It may be that this is not an X request so much as a server request
(direct me to the right mailing list if this is the wrong one) that has
bans see through hostmasks, always -- but if set on a cloaked hostmask
it only bans the cloaking --- X/W would be required for banning true

Hello Jay.

The current implementation usually allows us to perform wide range bans in #germany while asking affected users to get an undernet login and using mode x to be able to join the channel anyway.

This is a desired and needed feature to make wide bans usefull for our channel.

How are people abusing the cloaking feature?  I have users who are
changing there nick!user@ portion of their hostmask in order to pretend
to be other users or defeat bans set on a cloaked hostmask.

When using undernet hostmask, I always ban [EMAIL PROTECTED] Since this person is the only one who can get this hostmask, no one else is affected by this ban.

The "problem" starts at this point with users who have multiple undernet logins and who find it funny to keep bouncing back into the channel under a different username each time.

With best regards


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