> My request is that X and W be allowed to see through this mask, always.

X is able to see through this mask, always, because of the way it's
connected to the network.  However, we have to take special care with
X to prevent it from revealing the user's true mask.

> If user is cloaked and ban is set, cloaked ban is echo'd to channel, but
> X stores and does real ban on original hostmask.  Yes, this is an
> internals mess, but seems appropriate.

Unfortunately, you're quite right--this is a *huge* mess.  You not only
have to do it on the original /mode, but also any subsequent net junction
mode changes and any usage of /mode b.  There's simply no way to represent
this information in the protocol, and there would be a *lot* of overhead,
in terms of memory usage, to store that data.  I'm afraid we can't do

If it's any consolation, if the user is logged in, even if they're not
+x, bans on [EMAIL PROTECTED] work.  Of course, that can be
circumvented by not logging in, but that's why we provided the +r channel
mode, which prevents not-logged-in users from joining the channel unless
they're /invite'd.  It's not an ideal solution in some situations,
perhaps, but I'm afraid it's the best we can do at the moment...

Also note, by the way, that bans on the user's real host mask are also
effective even when the user is +x.
Kevin L. Mitchell <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

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