Quoting "yassine.E" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

> first id like to say i m real thankfull for the work your doing guys and 
> i hope you will keep on the top
> well the subject of mail tell sonme about the reason i write it
> as i was in the channel it has been flooded so i was thinking we can 
> avoid that i just got an idea which ithink could at least improve 
> channels security :
> since the flooders are most the time script  (bots) they can read (parse 
> intelgently a message) i thoght about
> to use this  instead of
>  /mode #channel +k key_name
> this
>  /mode #channel +k key_name +msg_text
MODE #channel +ko something +something someop
would desync clients - you can't change server-client protocol and not expect

It would probably be better just to put it in the topic and not set the channel

> with msg_text as an optional paramether where operator can add notice to 
> users who dont know the key
> so for a user who try to acces the channel  without using the key the 
> msg_text will be displayed  where he may be told what the key is
> exemple of msg_text : hi we are using temporarly a key to protect the 
> chan the key is key_name please use the key to access the channel
> so each user will be able to access but no bots is able to access since 
> the syntax and language used inthe msg_text differ from each other :)
> okay i hope this idea helps lil bit and am sorry for my bad english :)
> respect the undernet
> yassine elassad (casaboy)
> developerz.de

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