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On Tue, 2 Dec 2003, Andrew Miller wrote:
> The original mail suggested implementing this as a channel mode. It would need
> to propagate to other servers, and clients(at least chanops) in the channel
> would need to be informed that the mode had been set. It could, of course, be
> implemented with a new command in a similar way to TOPIC. Of course, it would
> then have to propagate at the burst and we could have the same old TOPIC
> bandwidth issue again. It would need a way to be unset as well.

Yes, propagation would be an issue. Mode +k would need sending separately 
from other modes to prevent misinterpretation (+kl blah 12). Unsetting is 
hardly a problem, a simple resetting of the key without the text would 
accomplish it.

> As for notifying clients trying to join the channel, probably a numeric would be
> the most useful.

We already have one. As I said, a well placed %s would add this feature.

> If we are going to implement this, it could expire after a network-wide
> timeperiod. For example, channel DoS attacks are usually transient situations,
> and expiring the "Turing test" question after 30 minutes might not be a problem.

I don't see why you would force a duration.

> Alternatively, the channel could be set +r, as the cservice set has a similar
> check on it anyway. This does however impose a significant time burden on people
> wanting to join the channel, and may simply result in people using another
> channel, and fragmentation of channels.

Except, presumably, for the army of drones who are logged in with X 
precisely to circumvent cmode +r. +r unfortunately isn't really an option 
for most channels because a) people won't bother logging in and the 
channel base fragments as you said, and b) the effectiveness of it against 
a determined attacker is practically zero.


PS: I realise the effectiveness of any security precaution against a 
determined attacker is practically zero. This doesn't mean trying is a bad 

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