On Fri, 2007-05-25 at 21:58 +0200, Florin Iamandi wrote:
> A /quote stats c does list the dynamic IP server:

FYI, most clients support a /stats command without needing to /quote it.

> A /quote sconnect country.example.net from the hub generates:

There is no "SCONNECT" command, but the result you show is correct for
the /connect command.  Again, most clients directly support /connect
without need for /quote...

> Is there any way to make this kind of setup work?

The basic problem you're running into is that ircu resolves hostnames at
the time it reads the configuration file.  If the A record changes, it
will not pick up the new IP.  The "solution," such as it is, is
to /rehash the server.  This should cause it to re-resolve the hostname
and cache the new IP address.  Once this resolution occurs, you should
be able to connect as before.

Just so you know, ircu is really targeted at networks like Undernet,
where all servers are officially supported by their providers and have
static IPs--often more than one, in fact.  Although we'd probably accept
a patch to optionally do on-demand resolution of hostnames at connect
time, we probably would not code that ourselves.

Hope this helps!
Kevin L. Mitchell <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Undernet Coder Committee, co-maintainer

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