on 25/05/07 22:50, « Michael Poole » <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Florin Iamandi writes:
>> We are running ircu2.10.12.10 but we can test without problems any patch
>> or alternative ircu version.
>> Is there any way to make this kind of setup work?
> Currently, no.  ircu resolves Connect block hostnames on startup and
> rehash.

I ran a test irc server on dynamic IP some years ago and got the same
You could reash, but you may need an ircop bot, to do that automatically
when your ip change... This need some coding...
Another solution i used was to connect with tunnels, you said that your hub
is at localhost:port in your ircu conf and run a tunnel from your server to
the hub. 
With a good tunnel setup (i mean low timeout, etc..) you can get quite good
result. Your server will not see any deconnection, you will only get a lag
when your ip change.

You have many way to do a tunnel, I let you chose but you may not want to
use SSH or something like that, because when the connection will timeout,
ssh will quit, of course you can restart it very quickly with a script, but
the socket between ssh and ircu will close and you will see a split on irc

Jean-Edouard BABIN

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