Fahim Chachar wrote:
Dear coders,

I'd like to suggest an idea to improve X that is there has to be some enhacements in BANS of X. Such as:

If there is a person who contains 2 numbers in his ident, I'd make X to ban his nickname. That could be 2 3 4 etc numbers, in his ident or his nickname or his host and X would ban him. Also if we could allow X to place a ban to those who have any user given alphabets in his nickname/ident or his host. If that enhancement comes in X it would really control botnets on Undernet.

I think you underestimate the bot writers. Having built regex bans into my channel bots, the bot controllers rapidly figure out what is triggering the bans by experimentation and work around it.

Anything man can create, man can undo.

In addition, I'd hate to have to account for the increase in processing load required to achieve something like that. I'd rather see some form of pattern matching in the server banlist first (and I'd guess that is pretty hard to do without crippling the servers with extra load)

Please, tell me if I'm wrong :)

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