Assuming everything is up this solution still will not scale given the latency, 
tcpip buffers, sliding window etc. See BDP

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On Aug 1, 2011, at 4:57 PM, Michael Segel <> wrote:

> Yeah what he said.
> Its never a good idea.
> Forget about losing a NN or a Rack, but just losing connectivity between data 
> centers. (It happens more than you think.)
> Your entire cluster in both data centers go down. Boom!
> Its a bad design. 
> You're better off doing two different clusters.
> Is anyone really trying to sell this as a design? That's even more scary.
>> Subject: Re: Hadoop cluster network requirement
>> From:
>> Date: Sun, 31 Jul 2011 20:28:53 -0700
>> To:;
>> On Jul 31, 2011, at 7:30 PM, Saqib Jang -- Margalla Communications wrote:
>>> Thanks, I'm independently doing some digging into Hadoop networking
>>> requirements and 
>>> had a couple of quick follow-ups. Could I have some specific info on why
>>> different data centers 
>>> cannot be supported for master node and data node comms?
>>> Also, what 
>>> may be the benefits/use cases for such a scenario?
>>    Most people who try to put the NN and DNs in different data centers are 
>> trying to achieve disaster recovery:  one file system in multiple locations. 
>>  That isn't the way HDFS is designed and it will end in tears. There are 
>> multiple problems:
>> 1) no guarantee that one block replica will be each data center (thereby 
>> defeating the whole purpose!)
>> 2) assuming one can work out problem 1, during a network break, the NN will 
>> lose contact from one half of the  DNs, causing a massive network 
>> replication storm
>> 3) if one using MR on top of this HDFS, the shuffle will likely kill the 
>> network in between (making MR performance pretty dreadful) is going to cause 
>> delays for the DN heartbeats
>> 4) I don't even want to think about rebalancing.
>>    ... and I'm sure a lot of other problems I'm forgetting at the moment.  
>> So don't do it.
>>    If you want disaster recovery, set up two completely separate HDFSes and 
>> run everything in parallel.

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