On Wed, 30 Jan 2002 07:49, Scott Sanders wrote:
> I am not against this Peter.  However, Object has a toString(), but a
> method that only takes Strings is a bit limiting.  I am just playing
> devils advocate here.   I have used loggers for quite a while and have
> yet to log something other than a String or a String plus an Exception.

Most APIs have got along for a while just using strings so I am not sure how 
that would be considered limiting. And if you want to use toString() then you 
should use toString(). 

However what would be the effect of

debug( myHttpRequest );

If you are using object rendering from Log4j then it would be completely 
different result when using the Logging JSR or LogKit or any number of other 
logging toolkits. So in effect you have directly tied yourself to one 
implementation of facade which kinda defeats the purpose of having the facade 
in the first place no?



 I just got lost in thought... It was unfamiliar territory.

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