On Tue, 19 Mar 2002, Morgan Delagrange wrote:
> > I disagree.  a no-arg constructor and dynamic instantiation of the
> > comparator may be useful without a get/setComparator mechanism.  For
> > example, consider an application that allows you to specify a comparator
> > in a configuration file while it will use for a particular application
> > specific task.  The config fail may just ask for the comparator class
> > name, and the app can instantiate an instance of the comparator to use.
> I don't dispute that the new no-op constructor is an improvement.  :)  But
> if we're going to fix it, let's fix it right...I'm not sure we've gone far
> enough yet.  Right now, the only use for that no-arg constructor is to
> provide functionality identical to Collections.reverseOrder().  That doesn't
> seem very useful at all.  If you want to support bean-like construction,
> then let's add getter and setter methods; if not, then let's dump the no-arg
> constructor entirely.  This middle ground seems inadequate.  I'd just pick
> one, but I don't want to tick anybody off.

Having the no-arg be equivalent to Collections.reverseOrder is still
useful -- there's no easy way to specify the comparator returned from
Collections.reverseOrder() as a configuration option in, say, an digestor 
based configuration file:

<field name="name" 
<field name="date" 

That's the big advantage that makes me want to keep the no-arg even though 
equivalant functionality exists in Collections.reverseOrder.

> Here's my case for just removing the no-arg comparator.  1) Bean-like
> construction of a Comparator seems unimportant as a feature.  2) If only the
> constructor can set the comparator that's reversed, it's not possible to do
> something naughty like changing a comparator after it has already been
> assigned to a SortedXXX.

1) its important for the use-case above.  
2) having a no-arg doesn't imply the comparator can be changed after 
assigned to a SortedXXX.  

It seems like both of these arguments *do* apply against adding a 
setComparator method though: it seems unimportant as a feature to be able 
to change the underlying comparator (rather than just creating a new one), 
and changing the functionality of the comparator after its assigned to a 
SortedXXX is a Bad Thing.  

I should also mention that a no-arg constructor does not imply that the 
comparator is a "bean" and needs to have get/set methods for all its 
attributes.  And even if it does, I would still argue that the comparator 
is would not be a read/write attribute.  I'd be ok with a get method if 
that makes things more "bean-like".  

> If folks really want no-arg, then let's at least add a setter method.  For
> me, that option is a distant second, but livable.

I will -1 adding a setComparator method.  I think its too dangerous to 
allow the comparator to change behavior after it has been constructed.  

> > get/setComparator methods are really only useful for altering the
> > underlying comparator once the reverse/inverse comparator has been
> > constructed.  I think this is bad because the underlying comparator is
> > part of the functionality, and providing modification of it thus changes
> > the functionality of the reverse/inverse comparator.  That doesn't seem
> > like an appropriate attribute modification.
> Definitely agree.  I'd prefer to not have getter/setter methods.

ok, so we agree.  :)

> > Since there's been a bit of discussion on the issue, and I haven't really
> > heard any objections to my diff (fixing the comparator with respect to the
> > comparator contract), I'm going to check that in. I'm also going to check
> > in the argument swap rather than multiplication.  We can continue
> > discussion on the rename and whether or not to have a no-arg constructor.
> -0 for a no-arg constructor.

This is weird actually.  That no-arg has been in there since the class was
added in February, and probably before that while the class existed in the
util sandbox.  Status-quo in this case is to leave the no-arg constructor.  
My changes were merely to "fix" the no-arg so that it conforms to the
Comparator contract.  Makes for some interesting apache style voting.  :)

> -1 for the name change, only because it has the same connotation as and
> shares terminology with Collections.reverseOrder().  Might as well be
> consistent.  If the term seems awkward, then a more specific definition in
> the Javadoc should suffice.

Fine by me.  After removing the multiplicationg in favor of just reversing
the elements, it now seems just as appropriate to calling it a
ReverseComparator as it does to call it an InverseComparator.  ;)


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