
I have added support for multiple values to CLI.  This
is useful for specifying lists of values e.g.

myUtil --include one two three -list *.java

So the values for the include option are [one, two, three].

I will put this together into a patch later today and
post the URL.

CLI uses char as the id of an option.  I think this limits
developers too much.  Lets use ant as an example.  To specify
a build file in ant the -buildfile option is required.  This
type of flag cannot be used in CLI.  It can be either -b or
--buildfile but not -buildfile.  I would like to change the key
from char to String.  This could be made API compatible by 
delegating the current methods that use char to the new methods
that will use String.

Comments please,
-John K

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