On 29 Apr 2002, John Keyes wrote:

> All,
> I have added support for multiple values to CLI.  This
> is useful for specifying lists of values e.g.
> myUtil --include one two three -list *.java
> So the values for the include option are [one, two, three].
> I will put this together into a patch later today and
> post the URL.
> CLI uses char as the id of an option.  I think this limits
> developers too much.  Lets use ant as an example.  To specify
> a build file in ant the -buildfile option is required.  This
> type of flag cannot be used in CLI.  It can be either -b or
> --buildfile but not -buildfile.  I would like to change the key
> from char to String.  This could be made API compatible by 
> delegating the current methods that use char to the new methods
> that will use String.

I think POSIX would argue that -buildfile is the '-b' option
with an argument of 'uildfile'.  Or possibly equiv to 
-b -u -i -l -d -f -i -l -e.

A dash preceeds a single-character switches (or a sequence of single
character switches), while 2 dashes preceed a 'word'-based switch.

I was intentionally staying POSIXy with CLI.

So, right now, -1 on the '-buildfile' type of option, unless
convinced otherwise.


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