
I need your opinion on something.

Check out JEX:

It is a set of APIs that unifies the use of expression languages.  Out of
the box it is integrated with the expression language used in BeanUtils (I
gave it a nickname Bexl), with Javascript and JXPath.  It will also soon be
integrated with Jexl.  Other possible candidates are Jaxen, SPEL and JPath.

The idea is that when you need to evaluate an expression, you provide the
name of the language as a prefix, sort of like in the html event handlers:
"javascript:2+2", "jxpath:/foo/bar".  You can also have a default language
that is used in the absence of a prefix.

Check out the APIs and let me know if you believe there is room for JEX in
the sandbox.  I'll be happy to contribute and maintain it.


- Dmitri Plotnikov

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