Before I drop it in the sandbox, I want to make sure it is ok that JEX
depends on Rhino, which is under a license that is a combination of
GPL, LGPL and MPL.  I read the parts of that license I could understand
and it appears to be ok to include JS.jar wholesale without infecting
Apache with GPL, but I am not a lawyer, so I cannot be absolutely sure.

Could somebody clarify this license issue, please.


- Dmitri

--- Dmitri Plotnikov <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Folk,
> I need your opinion on something.
> Check out JEX:
> It is a set of APIs that unifies the use of expression languages. 
> Out of
> the box it is integrated with the expression language used in
> BeanUtils (I
> gave it a nickname Bexl), with Javascript and JXPath.  It will also
> soon be
> integrated with Jexl.  Other possible candidates are Jaxen, SPEL and
> JPath.
> The idea is that when you need to evaluate an expression, you provide
> the
> name of the language as a prefix, sort of like in the html event
> handlers:
> "javascript:2+2", "jxpath:/foo/bar".  You can also have a default
> language
> that is used in the absence of a prefix.
> Check out the APIs and let me know if you believe there is room for
> JEX in
> the sandbox.  I'll be happy to contribute and maintain it.
> Regards,
> - Dmitri Plotnikov

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