"Waldhoff, Rodney" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote on 16/10/2002 
03:03:26 AM:

> For what it's worth, I think I'm with Ceki here.  Jelly runs a real risk 
> running into the same problems that Ant did with some of the 
> versions--it's so easy to extend, one gets lots of small extensions, 
> independently useful and simple, but the overall package becomes a bit
> incoherent. 

Hmmm....the jelly core seems coherent to me, but I've been working with it 
for a while.

> I'd rather see something of a consolidation phase before Jelly moves out 
> the sandbox (and is immediately pressured for a 1.0 release).

What would you like to see consolidated?

I'd prefer Jelly didn't go the way of Ant and integrate a whole swag of 
stuff into the 'core', so that the core could be free to be changed easily 
and extended.

>  - R
dIon Gillard, Multitask Consulting
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