+1 on the proposal to add a commons oversight board. We don't need to name it PMC (the charter doesn't give this oversight board a name, it just makes the analogy to the jakarta PMC).

Oh, and I've already volunteered.


p.s. Did anyone else see a 6 hour delay between the time it looks like Costin sent this and actually receiving it?

Costin Manolache wrote:
We already have a line in our charter about having a jakarta-commons specific PMC. Right now it is modeled after jakarta, with 3 members.

I would like to propose changing this number to include more
people - I think the right solution is more closer to what httpd
and apr projects are doing, where the PMC is composed of most
active commiters.

My proposal is to modify the charter so that a jakarta-commons PMC
is composed of all active commiters. This will be volunteer-based,
in the sense that any active commiter who wants to become
part of the PMC will announce his willingness to participate.

- should we vote on the volunteering offer ? What is httpd doing ?
- Should we impose a 2-3 month wait period for new commiters ? )
- should the pmc have a separate mail list ? ( I personally don't
think so - but that's how other pmcs are organised )

The commons PMC members will split the task of monitoring the
files. All decisions will continue to be taken by majority vote of all jakarta-commons commiters.

Not that this is not a proposal to form a top-level project - just to better organise ourself. Jakarta-commons is IMO at the
core of jakarta - with the most diverse set of commiters from
almost all jakarta projects. Any major issue will be forwarded
to the Jakarta PMC.

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